Game the Game: Inclusivity

At GenCon this year, there seemed to be a lot of drama. It didn’t really affect me, aside from watching some of it play out in my social media field.

But, it made me think about running and playing games at GenCon, and what message we all send.

I was fortunate enough to get in on a game I really wanted to play, and both the GM, her assistant, and the players a lot of fun. The game was organized by ConTessa. More than anything, what was wonderful was being around a group of people and an organization that were there to promote fun and a welcoming presence.

Gaming should be fun.

People have an ability to thrive on drama. It is easy to focus on the dark, why not try and be the light.

Go out and run games that are welcoming. Play in games that are welcoming.

Be the light.

This seems to be the easiest and most enjoyable way for all of us to come together.


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